Veille Maritime

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Thales, Naval Group, YesWeHack.. soutiennent l'association "France Cyber Maritime", nouvellement…
Extends record of leadership in innovation and compliance with IoT industry standards supporting the…
A coalition representing more than 120 large maritime, energy and infrastructure businesses has published…
A first of its kind project between the Sustainable Shipping Initiative (SSI) and the Institute for…
Today ABS Nautical Systems launched NS eLogs, a powerful digital solution that replaces traditional…
Voilà une innovation qui pourrait bientôt envahir nos ports. Geneseas est un robot nettoyeur capable…
Company hopes to prevent barnacle buildup on the bottom of ships [...]  
European tech startup moi composites has just announced the unveiling of the completed MAMBO—a 3D printed…
The Maid of the Mist, the iconic boat tour that has navigated the waters below Niagara Falls since 1846,…